-VoIP Speed Test

Friday, March 15, 2024

Bullfrog Blog/Webex Calling/-VoIP Speed Test

Why a VoIP Speed Test?

Before you begin the process of searching for a new business phone system, it’s important that you ensure that your network can safely and reliably handle voice traffic, especially if you are moving from an on-premise phone system to a VoIP, voice over Internet, solution. The first step is to run our VoIP Speed Test.

Unlike data traffic, such as web browsing, email, and file transfers, VoIP traffic is sensitive to things such as delay and jitter. You’ve probably experienced this before, when on a call with someone and the call is breaking up, or there’s echo, or you only hear every other word. Those call examples are most likely due to a bad network or related equipment.

Problems are typically caused by (in order):

  • ​Misconfigured network equipment (router, switch, firewall)
  • ​Internet bandwidth
  • ​Software or hardware issue with network equipment
  • ​Network cabling issues
  • ​Connectivity issue with Internet Service Provider


Ideally you should run the VoIP Speed Test from both a computer with a hard-wired ethernet connection, as well as a wireless connection.

We will be testing your network equipment, cabling, firewall ports, NAT, latency, jitter, delay, available bandwidth, Internet circuits, and more.

This test will check to make sure your Internet circuit is stable, has enough bandwidth, and can support good call quality. You can choose a Basic test, or an Advanced test, which will request access to your camera and microphone to simulate a video call.

Understanding Your Results

If your network is in good shape, you’ll get a message: Your connection meets requirements. Your network is ready for cloud calling. If not, you’ll get a message telling you that it did not meet requirements.

The next result tells you the number of concurrent calls you can have. The calculation typically measures your upload speed, multiplies it by 75%, and divides by 400 Kbps (for a video call) or 200 Kbps (for an audio call). The measurement is based on 75% capacity of your Internet bandwidth, so as not to starve your data traffic. This is a very conservative estimate.

Next, is a measure of your network latency or delay, the time it takes to reach the VoIP servers.

For latency, the following is a guideline of what to expect:

  • ​Less than 200 ms – Good
  • ​200-300 ms – Fair

  • ​More than 300 ms – Poor

Next, is your bandwidth (Download/Upload):

Typically the download speed is never the problem. Most businesses that rely on broadband for Internet connectivity have a limited upload speed, meaning the bandwidth from your business, out to the Internet, is limited.

Next, is a check for open ports on your firewall or Internet gateway/router:

  • 80 / 443 – Device configurations and firmware management​
  • ​​​8934 – Call signaling between phones and the system


If you passed the test, congratulations, you can begin the search for a new phone system. otherwise, you will need to address the issues uncovered. If you need help troubleshooting or would like a quote for a business phone system, please give us a call or complete the form below for us to contact you.

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Hi, I Am Ben Rife

CEO Of Bullfrog Group

I have a passion for Collaboration, Security, and Networking and helping our customers maximize the benefits of their technology.

​When I'm not doing that, I love to drive really fast, fish until it gets dark, and spend time with my beautiful wife and 4 children.